Thursday, August 27, 2009

Making yarn myself...

As a sideline to make and make-do: homemade yarn. I haven't spun in a year, but with a borrowed wheel, 3 ounces of Karaoke (50% soysilk 50% merino wool) and 2 mornings before my daughter woke up - YARN! I'm relieved that I remembered what the hell I was doing. It was different spinning without being pregnant - surprisingly different. But I got the hang of it again. I only have the one bobbin, so I'm going to have to wind it off to ply it. I can't decide whether to Navajo ply or Andean ply as it already has really long color repeats. If I Navajo ply - really long repeats, 3 ply.. If I Andean ply - barber pole, 2 ply. Keeping in mind that it is just 3 ounces, i think it better be Andean - hmmmm.....


  1. I've always thought spinning yarn would be wonderful to do. Glad you could borrow a wheel and try your hand at it again. Keep us posted!

  2. Spinning is both fun and meditative. It's also a nice boost to the control freak in me in that I can control what I make from nearly every aspect. Now if I start dying fiber again ... Mwahahahahaha!
