Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Rose is 1!

Yesterday, Rose turned 1. I can't believe its already been a year. She went from a smallish nursing baby into a big talking, nearly walking person. You forget how quickly this happens as you go through the daily stuff of their first year. It seems like everyday takes 4 times as long and then you look back and time has flown past you. An example of time and relativity?

I woke up early to make her a special necklace to wear for her birthday. Nothing too fancy; just a crochet chain and some small flowers. I put it on her and she hardly took it off all day. We didn't get too many pictures yesterday, which I am kicking myself over; we were just having too much fun playing together that I lost track of time and it was suddenly bedtime. I'll take more today, but before the visit for checkups at the doctor, as grumpiness will ensue.

I'm just tickled that the first thing she played with was the necklace. It was nice to start her day with something that I made for her. I will never again make anything as great and grand as my kids, but I can try to make things for them to show them how much I'm grateful that they're here.


  1. Just the happy Milwaukee grammy checking in. Always love to see your great creative crafty things, especially as modeled by my fantastic grandkids. Badge had told me about the necklace, but it was good to see how neat it is and to read how much Rose loves it.

  2. What a precious necklace! Would you mind to share the pattern? I have a couple of nieces who I think would LOVE that. :)
    It is amazing how quickly that first year goes by isn't it?
