Saturday, November 14, 2009

November Surprise Project: Rimrock Cape

Well, here's the project I was working on for November. The Rimrock Cape from Cat Bordhi's Book A Treasury of Magical Knitting . The original calls for wool and mohair yarns, but I used all synthetics from my stash because my mother-in-law has a hard time wearing wool. Also, it needed to be easily washable. The collar is a moebius strip, and the back is worked in short-rows until the depth of the collar is reached. The rest is knit in the round. This is the only project that I worked on really for 6 weeks, except for some small sewing projects. It was a very interesting pattern to work with - there were times that I swore that what I was doing was not what was pictured in the book. There were times that I just swore. I swore mostly at the yarn - synthetics really eat my hands. Happy Birthday Michelle! I'm glad you like it.

1 comment:

  1. Yes. I love my cape! Beautiful work and I am so sorry the synthetics bothered your hands.. a very special present from a very special daughter-in-law. Please know the cape is very snuggly and cozy and i wear it and think about all the love (and curse words!) that went into it. Thanks, Ana sweetie
