Friday, May 28, 2010

Bug Addiction - My First Giveaway

Well, if you read my last post, you'll know that I made a ladybug pincushion for the heck of it. My previous post contained the link to the tutorial for it as well, but here it is again. I decided to make 4 more. They are that fun to make. So, one is for my daughter Rose, 2 are for a pincushion exchange with friends, and 1 may be for you:

This one. I am giving this ladybug pincushion to one of my readers, if you'll leave a comment below. I will close the giveaway next Friday, June 4th, 2010 at midnight CST. I will allow my son to pick a number randomly and announce the winner on Saturday, June 5th. I'm interested in hearing about everyone's first memory of a pincushion. Let me know!

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