Monday, August 9, 2010

Happy 100th Birthday, Mrs. Zimmermann!

Today marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Elizabeth Zimmermann. I, for one, want to thank her immensely for her incredible contribution to knitting and to knitters. For those of you who want to to know more about her, check the Wiki. For her ongoing contributions, please check the website of the company she founded (and her daughter Meg Swansen still runs) Schoolhouse Press.

Thank you for giving us all confidence to make our own patterns, experiment at will, and laugh at ourselves. Thank you for your tremendous sense of humor. Thank you for showing the larger world what we, as knitters, already knew: knitting is a joy, knitting is a puzzle to turn about and wonder at, knitting has great utility, knitting can be a passion - and rightly so.

I wish we had lived in Shorewood, WI at the same time. I would hope we would have gotten along famously. I did live in Wisconsin during some of the time you were alive, and really regret not knowing about you then. But I am fortunate that you live on through your words, incredible patterns, and in the joy you still give to me and other knitters around the world. I promise that my children and grand-children will always be presented with at least one copy of your books.


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